List of new construction ads in the Kammala district to buy, here you will find promotions in construction, finished works or new construction projects, compare prices and homes according to the characteristics of your interest.
Status gebouw: In aanbouw
Keukenapparatuur: Met meubels
Opgebouwd oppervlak: 575 m²
Huizen, 4-kamer, vanaf 450 m²van $ 1 223 098
Huizen, 5-kamer, vanaf 700 m²van $ 1 869 119
Real Estate in Botanica Montazure
Nestled in a picturesque corner near the serene beach, Complex offers more than just luxurious villas; it embodies refined living near the sea. This premie...
In the district of Kammala, Kathu the price of cheap new construction starts at $ 1 223 098 is because these properties do not enjoy the views or exclusive amenities while the average price is $ 1 223 098 for new construction while the average price of a second hand property is $ 1 503 994, new homes and luxury homes cost $ 1 223 098 these properties are expensive because of the best views, qualities, more m2 or its location and exclusivity
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